Monday, 17 February 2014


The notion of irreducible complexity in relation to biological systems was first considered in detail by Michael Behe in "Darwin's Blackbox" in the 1990-s. As an example he looked at autocatalytic cycles of blood clotting. The main counter-argument against his anecdotal claims is the ability of living systems to switch, or co-opt, between functions. His famous mousetrap, an epitome of functional systems, could have been used for a different purpose initially. It is quite likely that for concrete cases it is possible to provably demonstrate co-optational chains. Nonetheless, the principal problem of irreducible complexity cannot be explained away like that.

Saturday, 1 February 2014

A Note for Those Who Struggle to Find Evidence of Design in This World

Recently my friend, who admitted that he could not see any evidence suggesting our world had a designer, asked me to produce such evidence. As I have seen other people struggling with it, I decided to summarise it below in the hope that somebody may find it useful.