Monday, 20 May 2013

Two more references to Kirk Durston

Here are two very interesting references I encountered very recently:

1. A video-clip of Kirk Durston's presentation:

2. A paper again by K.Durston, which is a summary of his and his colleagues' 2007 paper on measuring functional complexity of proteins where they published remarkable results showing statistically significant amounts of functional complexity across a sample of 35 protein families. The interesting bit here is that to date, no one has been able to demonstrate convincingly that causation other than rational agency is capable of producing large amounts of functional sequence complexity. This newer summary is free from technical details and is easier to read for a non-biologist:

Sunday, 5 May 2013

On the importance of Christian tradition in a programmer's speak

Christ is Risen!

Imagine you want to create a complex software product composed of a number of modules. You delegate the development of those units to your team, having worked out in detail a common interface which determines the interaction between the modules. Every member of your team develops their own unit. However, if during development the integrity of the common interface is compromised, there will be no product even if every module functions correctly in isolation. This can happen e.g. as a result of removal of some key API in either of those modules.

ID: The snow is melting

I encountered a very interesting paper by Prof. Michael Sherman [1], Director of the genetics lab at Boston University Medical School.

I can only comment that the publication of scientific papers like this one demonstrates that ID is science. Not only does the author propose a new theory which easily explains observations that cannot be explained by Darwinism (or at least as elegantly and as easily), but he also formulates new hypotheses and discusses scientific experiments to validate them.

  1. Michael Sherman (2007). Universal genome in the origin of metazoa: thoughts about evolution. In Cell Cycle. 2007 Aug 1;6(15):1873-7.